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Grow your practice with a healthy brand

Leanne Johnson

You've remained up to date on your continuing medical education. You're staying on top of the ever-changing regulatory environment. And, because you are super human, you even stay on top of managing your business. How nice would it be to get a little boost so the burden of growing your business doesn't keep you up at night? It's time for a little shot of vitamin B – Branding that is.

Nowadays, you're competing for patients with virtually the entire internet.

Download this app to lose 50 pounds! Take this revolutionary supplement and live longer! Heal your (insert disease here) in 90 days (for only $599 a month)!

There is no lack of noise and distractions vying for your patients' attention. That's why it's important to stand for something and remain consistent with your mantra in order to become memorable and irreplaceable in consumers' minds. A strong brand strategy can help you do just that. In fact, done well, branding can increase your profits by 23%.

A brand is so much more than just a logo. Sure, a logo is part of it, but it shouldn't be the first thing you do. A logo should have meaning. In order to have meaning, you have to build your brand strategy first.

The beauty of brand strategy is that you already know most of this stuff, it's just a matter of putting it all on paper so you, your employees, and your patients know exactly what you stand for. Then, you use your brand's language as the foundation to help you create consistent experiences every time you communicate to your patients or potential patients. In every email, in every phone conversation, face-to-face appointment or even how you communicate lab results. Your brand is the experience your patients have when they have any kind of interaction with your practice. If it's a positive, memorable experience, they become loyal patients.

Download this worksheet to help you brainstorm and write down your practice's mission, vision, and values. You'll find examples to help guide your thinking. It helps to do this with your team. Done in isolation, you may miss out on some great ideas to help make your practice stand out from all the rest. And, involving your team ensures they are part of your brand which is critical as they are the face and voice of your brand in every patient interaction.

Branding is a science and has many steps. You can download a branding checklist here to help you every step of the way. But, the very fact you've established your mission, vision and values puts you at an advantage over your competition. Congratulations in taking the first step to building a healthy brand to help grow your practice.


Leanne Johnson has more than 20 years healthcare marketing experience and grew up working in physician practices. Tap into her branding and marketing know-how by setting up a 30-min consultation and start growing your practice today.

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